Terms & Conditions of Sale

1. (BAKO) Western Ltd whether trading under its own name or under the name of any of its trading divisions (“the Seller”) sells its products to the Buyer named on the invoice (“the Buyer”) only and exclusively on the terms hereinafter set out and upon the basis that these conditions will prevail over any others contained in any other document or expressed orally.

​2. The Seller will retain title in, and the right of disposal of, the Products until the Buyer has paid the Seller in full for the Products. Until such payment, the products will be held by the Buyer on the Seller’s behalf and will be kept so as to be identifiable as belonging to the Seller, and the Seller or its agents may enter the Buyer’s premises in order to recover or to resell all or any of the Products unpaid for. If the Buyer sells the Products or any of them before the Seller has been paid in full, the Buyer will hold the proceeds of the sale on trust for the Seller and will keep the proceeds so as to be identifiable as belonging to the Seller, and will not mingle such proceeds with other funds or pay them into any overdrawn bank account.

​3. Should default be made by the Buyer in paying any sum due under any order as and when it becomes due (time being of the essence) the Seller shall have the right to either suspend all further deliveries until the default be made good or to cancel the order so far as any goods remain to be delivered thereunder.

​4. No claim for damage in transit, shortage of delivery or loss of goods will be entertained unless; in the case of damage in transit or shortage of delivery, a separate notice in writing is given to the carrier concerned and to the Seller within 3 days of the receipt of the goods, followed by a complete claim in writing within 7 days of receipt of goods and, in the case of loss of goods, notice in writing is given to the carrier concerned and to the Seller and a complete claim in writing made within 7 days of the date of consignment. (Time to be of the essence).

​5. Goods represented: by the Buyer to be defective shall not form the subject of any claim for work done by the Buyer or for any loss, damage or expense whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from such defects, but such goods if returned to the Seller and accepted by him as defective, will at the request of the Buyer and if practicable be replaced as originally ordered. Defects in quantity or dimensions in any delivery shall not be a ground for cancellation of the remainder of the order or contract.

​6. Goods are not offered on a sale or return basis and our team are not authorised to accept orders on this basis. Orders for non-stocked or special items once placed are not able to be cancelled or returned.

​7. In order to receive discounts or promotions on specific products from suppliers for the benefit of members, we may provide sales information in respect of the participating items.

​8. Prices charged are those ruling on date of dispatch and are subject to change without notification.

​9. A minimum of £300 value (excluding VAT) of goods per delivery, with orders placed on working day 1 for delivery on working day 3. Working days are Monday to Friday excluding Public Bank Holidays.

​10. A minimum annual spend of £5,000 (excluding VAT) is required to maintain delivery service.

​11. (BAKO) Western Ltd certifies that all goods supplied conform to all relevant statutory requirements and to any specification description relating to the goods which have been agreed, in writing, between BAKO Western Ltd and relevant suppliers.


Initially on becoming a member of (BAKO) Western Ltd, the terms of payment are proforma on delivery until satisfactory references are received. Once references have been received the following options are available:

​1) Payment on a proforma or 7 day term basis will entitle you to take 2% discount on invoices before VAT is added. If this office is informed that you wish to take advantage of this way of payment arrangements can be made to show this on your invoice.

​2) Payment within 21 days of invoice date will allow a 1% discount on invoices before VAT is added. This option is an alternative to payment on delivery. To apply to receive this discount please contact our Credit Control team.

​3) A monthly account is another form of payment. No discount is allowed and these accounts must be settled by the 23rd of the month following statement. Failure to make payments by the end of the month could lead to discontinuation of supplies until the account is settled.

​At the end of the financial year, if profits have been made, payment of a rebate on all purchases throughout the year will be made to members holding £100.00 in shares and having paid strictly to terms during that period. Failure to keep to terms will automatically disqualify members from payment of rebate.